How do the KIN+ILK team make coffee at home?

When you work in a speciality coffee shop you quickly get used to delicious fresh coffee so in this blog we go into the methods and equipment used to re-create it at home!

Alice: (Aeropress) 

Coffee produced from Aeropress is incredibly well rounded and has a rich, full flavour. People often say an aeropress is like a french press and pour over dripper has a baby.
One of the main reasons I love my aeropress is because I bought it in 2018 and its still going strong - 5 years and counting! 

It’s incredibly versatile as you can create filter coffee but also an ‘espresso’ which I use when I want iced coffees. The aeropress is also the number 1 travelling coffee machine as it's so small and easy to bring anywhere!

Andrew: (Sage Coffee Machine)

I have a Sage Barista Express Machine, I weigh in and weigh out and time each shot. I basically end up replicating what you would get in a specialty coffee shop at home. 

I have a Wilfa Svart grinder if I do feel like making an Aeropress (which is my go to filter brewer) but I am essentially an espresso drinker.

For filter I use any fruity sort of coffees like an Ethiopian  but I have a Nicaraguan by Oddkin that is beautiful

Connor: kalita wave: 

I love using a Kalita wave as it is a flat bottom brewer which makes for quicker brews and even water distribution as opposed to a V60. Also it is very aesthetically pleasing with nice raised lettering and a gritty sandstone finish. The earthy feel of my Kalita wave makes me feel closer to the beans I'm brewing!

TOM: Moka Pot , French Press.

I like to make myself a latte or mocha using my stovetop Moka pot and a French press to aerate some milk. I also have a wilfa brewer for filter.

It started during lockdown really. I wanted something close to a latté that I could make at home. I was missing pouring latté art and unfortunately a decent espresso machine is crazy expensive.

I use my wilfa brewer if I have a morning off as I can make 2 cups and it keeps it warm all morning.

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